TVpad2 coupon code (gift code)
TVpad2 coupon code 14696673 need to be mentioned in the order form when you buy the TVpad2 (TVpad M233) on the official website: TVpad2 (TVpad M233)
If you don't put the TVpad coupon code in the order form, then you won't get the gift package (game controller, 4GB USB stick).
The price of TVpad2 (TVpad M233) is 259 US dollar and the price includes free shipping to most countries in the world (includes US, Canada, Australia, UK, (Western) Europe, Asia). The advantage of buying the TVpad2 on the official site is that if something happens with the TVpad mediaplayer, you can directly contact the customer service on the official site. If needed, you can return the mediaplayer for a new one. The official site offers 1 year warrantee. If you buy this TVpad2 mediaplayer from a reseller or from eBay, then you need to talk with this seller if you have any problems.
For more info, see this blog: TVpad2 coupon code
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